During gestation the objective is to gear up the sows for the next farrowing and lactation. At early gestation, just after conception, the priority is maximizing the survival rate of embryos and to promote the potentially largest litter size. At mid gestation the emphasis is to attend the growth of foetuses, placenta and mammary glands. Concurrently the sows have to replenish their own weight losses from the previous lactation and soften the risk of getting in a catabolic state, which is the issue during late gestation.

RM Nutribusiness bears specialities for pregnant sow nutrition that improve the efficacy of nutrients harvest, particularly proteins.

The antioxidant status of the sows combating the systemic oxidative stress is raised and pushes the growth and health of foetuses and piglets after farrowing.

The biggest challenge in high productive sow herds during lactation is to ensure adequate feeding and minimize the negative energy and protein balance.

RM Nutribusiness has own specialities that promote adequate feed intake helping sows to govern their intestinal microflora and improve the efficiency of their metabolism. In turn the yield and quality of colostrum and milk builds up scoring higher levels of fat, essential fatty acids and proteins. The piglets profit from higher nutrients availability to maximise health, growth response and weight homogeneity, key factors to reduce overall variabilities up to slaughter.

The objective is to endeavour the metabolic stability of the sow to influence the embryonic survival rate that will determine the size of the litter.

RM Nutribusiness’s specialities boost the reproductive performance improving nutrients harvesting, enteroendocrine stimulation, shaping the gut flora and overall allowing a holistic empowerment of the sow in early gestation.

At the end of gestation hormonal changes take place and some risk factors associated to stress, bacterial overgrowth, endotoxins, inflammatory processes etc. need successful prevention. By reducing likely lactational insufficiency we reduce runts and preweaning mortality.

RM Nutribusiness has supportive solutions to help the sow in the transition from gestation, partum and lactation that reduce the inflammatory process caused by the partum itself, promote higher yields and quality for colostrum and milk that will invigorate the litter and its weight homogeneity.

Piglets are exposed to intense stress when abruptly separated from their mothers and suddenly changed from the sow milk to solid feed. This often results in momentary anorexia accompanied by deterioration of gut mucosa and enteroendocrine disturbances along with alterations in gut microbial ecology. Since the withdrawal of antibiotics and pharmacological doses of zinc oxide in feeds, the implementation of nutritional strategies upheld by the use of specific feed supplements, have attained successfully the challenge of zootechnical feasible de-medicalized diets.

RM Nutribusiness has developed well-directed synergic combinations of own phytogenics, monoglycerides, choleretics, natural anti-inflammatories, intestinal immunity inducers etc to prevent health disturbances, achieving a mature and well-established gut ecosystem and thereupon featuring economical viable and animal welfare prone solutions.

The growing-fattening period accounts for almost 70% of the total pig production costs. To maximize profit pig producer need to deliver homogeneous body weight batches at slaughter. Delayed pigs seem to be generated at nursery thus grouping pigs by weight might lessen the dispersion, however can reduce revenues on carcass quality and carcass classification scores, additionally pigs are very likely to increase the occupation time at the farms.

RM Nutribusiness has developed well-directed synergic combinations of own phytogenics, nutraceuticals and monoglycerides, that increase the homogeneity of weight and reduce the dispersion.

Other important issues due to Eu Legislation, mainly affecting Europe, is the salmonella prevalence of pigs when slaughtered. Because of meaning a risk for the food chain, intense efforts have been implemented to prevent salmonella entrance at nursery, identified as the main gate for increased salmonella prevalence in fattening pigs.

The reduction in nitrogen excretion into manure is one of the biggest environmental issue in pig production. Besides adjusting justly the nutrient supply to the least requirements, determined by each phase and batch of pigs, additional strategies to mitigate the environmental impact of nitrogen are necessary. One route is to increase the protein break down, harvesting of amino acids and nutrient utilisation out of varied qualities of proteinaceous sources.

RM Nutribusiness has developed solutions to reduce contamination in the grower – finisher phase of pig production.

The Ibérico Spanish hog is an ancient and robust pig breed from the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, used traditionally in extensive or semi extensive production systems. The singularity of the diets with mainly acorns from oak trees and free-range grazing on the “dehesas” (pastureland), increase the infiltration of wholesome fats in the body. This transforms the Iberic hog into a high standard quality ham (shoulder and legs), elaborates from butchery i.e.sausages (chorizos, salchichones etc) and noble fresh meat cuts that are highly rated by consumers.
RM Nutribusiness makes available sustainable solutions to support the efficacy of this type of production, giving support to the sows in fertility, gestation, lactation and vigour of the litter and contributing to the excellence of the resulting products.


    Increase of bile production by the liver.
    Augmentation in volume and concentration
    Increase of Bile salts and Bile acids released to the digestive system
    Increase of bile duct contractibility and cross talk with CCK and neurotransmissors
    Elimination of Toxins. Regeneration of hepatocytes and damage repair
    Detoxification by solubilizing Endo/Exo/Myco-Toxins and excretion through urine and feces
    Invigorates liver metabolism, maintains homeostasis and retrieves natural health mechanisms
    Influences intestinal flora, barrier functions.
    Trigger enteroendocrine responses GLP, FXR
    Scavenger of free radicals ROS.
    Immunocompetency against oxidative stress and inflammation


    Selective esterification of fatty acids, organic acids and combinations. Triglycerides/Glycerides of SCFA, MCFA
    Improvement of health, prevention of diseases.
    Prebiotic/Probiotic effects, Carminatives.
    Increased performance and supports sustainability, animal welfare and Environment.
    High quality encapsulation of active ingredients using Spray Dry, Coacervation, double Coating systems
    Phospholipids and Lysophospholipids with specific HLB-values for animal nutrition. Emulsification of oil in Water and Water in oil , improvement of zootechnical performances, efficient absorption of nutrients, high Carcass quality
    Gut Care nourishing and protecting the mucosa from inflammation, oxidative stress and antinutritional factors
    Reduction of seroprevalence in monitoring programs.
    Early shedding and prevention before slaughter
    Sustainable production reducing ammonia emissions through increased efficiency of protein utilization

Our products are used as fluid powders and liquid to manufacture dry feeds, wet feeds and premixes, both industrial and homemixed. They are very easy and pleasant to handle. There are also special ranges for farms applications in which they are administered in a very simple way through drinking water. Our products are very pleasant and appetizing for the animals, which increases their comfort and convenience when ingesting food and water.

Monoesterified vegetable fatty acids with organic acids as a solution for the total demedicalization and sanitization of feeds for production animals, aquaculture
and petfood. They help reduce the emission of substances that potentially pollute the environment and water.

Effective combination of potent choleretics and standardized natural cholagogues that stimulate the secretion of bile acids in the intestine and that manage to upgrade the intestinal health, the balance of the microflora, increase the digestibility of nutrients as well as anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation and detoxification.

Monoesterified vegetable fatty acids with organic acids as a solution for the total demedicalization and sanitization of feeds for production animals, aquaculture
and petfood. They help reduce the emission of substances that potentially pollute the environment and water.


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