The poultry industry sustains some defiances in the attempt to closely meet the consumer demands. One main issue is to convey confidence in the quality, safety and traceability of poultry products through the implantation of biosecurity protocols throughout the production chain.

Another milestone is to prevent food borne diseases causing zoonosis through i.e. Salmonella, Campilobacter etc. that is being intensified to ensure a healthy food chain. Also, the antibiotic free poultry production has increased the safety and eliminated the risk of generating antibiotic resistant pathogens for humans and likewise after eventual restrictions over the use of coccidiostats.

New alternatives come up to help support profitable zootechnical performances, reduce health issues and strive to meet overall animal welfare production, sustainability and protection of the environment prone criteria.

Feed costs reduction under these circumstances comes with precise nutrients adjustments, incorporation of well characterized by-products, use of high-powered feed processing technologies that overall improve the nutrients digestibility. Moreover, savings are obtained from the increase of energy and protein utilization at the animal. The regulation of the gut microflora and induction of the flock´s immunocompetence is another key factor especially relevant when using vaccines.

RM Nutribusiness offers well-directed synergic combinations of own phytogenics, monoglycerides, choleretics, natural anti-inflammatories, intestinal immunity inducers etc to prevent health disturbances, achieving a mature and well-established gut ecosystem and thereupon featuring economically viable and animal welfare prone solutions.

The important cross roads of the modern egg-laying hens industry is finding a balance between welfare, environmental issues and productiveness. An important role plays in the persistency of lay and extended productive life of layers that has to be matched with sustainability, health of the birds and egg quality & safety.

The extention of the lay also increases the heterogeneity of the birds that has to be considered in the nutritional programs.

The organs involved in egg production suffer an intense wearing down and requires a  strong long term support. The calcium supply demands a precise synchronization with the lay. Metabolic diseases specially related to the Liver, because of a very intense activity that often results in hepatic steatosis or even Fatty Liver hemorrhagic syndrome (FLHS)

RM Nutribusiness offers well proven  synergic combinations of phytogenics for liver care, choleretics and secure monoglycerides with clear antibacterial responses that gain a mature and well-established gut ecosystem where welfare, environmental issues and productiveness are matched.

Turkey production represents a significant economical branch of the poultry industry. It’s a strongly competitive market whose tight margins down the chain has concentrated this industry in fewer players and larger production units. Different genetic lines provide very efficient results throughout the world. In northern Europe heavy breeds in multisite production are more popular, whereas in southern countries the production schemes use lighter breeds slaughtered at lower weights in the attempt to adjust the products to the consumer demands.

The turkey industry, as others, is regulated by precise environmental, consumer health and animal welfare requirements. The imperative hurdle is the limited assortment of available pharmaceutical, therapeutic or prophylactic drugs especially in the EU to counter against turkey specific clinical syndromes caused by Histomonosis that together with coccidia, E.Coli and clostridia involves increasingly considerable economical losses. Other threatening health issues related to turkey production come through the very heavy body weights attained across the production cycle that burdens the skeletal structure and organs, above all that of the liver.

RM Nutribusiness offers well proven  solutions against the major health challenges impacting the turkey industry, as an alternative to banned therapeutic products. Moreover, we put all our attention in supporting the liver health, maximizing its functionality and adequate shaping of the gut microflora and gut ecosystems of the animals.

Free range poultry production is a rapidly growing market, compared to traditional intensive production, especially in central Europe.

This production practice requires specific nutritional attention to master the variability when choice feeding, pasturing and unpredictable diet composition might take place. The disease control needs special attention and precise tools to reduce the impact. More common are parasitic infestation i.e. Coccidia, Histomonas, the latter transmitted generally through cecal worms (Heterakis Gallinarum), generously represented in free range systems. Also, mites appear often, and more frequently bacterial infections caused by E.Coli, Clostrida etc. Paddocks are difficult to disinfect, particularly if the Free-range systems are ecological. Some flocks are rotated between paddocks.

RM Nutribusiness offers well proven synergic combinations of own phytogenics, secure monoglycerides with clear antibacterial responses that gain a mature and well-established gut ecosystem.

The organic poultry farming is an increasing segment in the chicken meat and egg sector. Birds need to be kept healthy away from diseases, reasonably yielding and securing the food safety. The main issue for organic poultry farming is to manage the flock without drugs against food borne pathogens i.e. Salmonella, Campylobacter, Clostridia, enterotoxic serovars of E.Coli, Coccidia, Histomonas etc. that meet the organic production systems standards.

RM Nutribusiness offers well proven synergic combinations of own phytogenics, secure monoglycerides with clear antibacterial responses that gain a mature and well-established gut ecosystem that meet the organic production systems standards.


    Increase of bile production by the liver.
    Augmentation in volume and concentration
    Increase of Bile salts and Bile acids released to the digestive system
    Increase of bile duct contractibility and cross talk with CCK and neurotransmissors
    Elimination of Toxins. Regeneration of hepatocytes and damage repair
    Detoxification by solubilizing Endo/Exo/Myco-Toxins and excretion through urine and feces
    Invigorates liver metabolism, maintains homeostasis and retrieves natural health mechanisms
    Influences intestinal flora, barrier functions.
    Trigger enteroendocrine responses GLP, FXR
    Scavenger of free radicals ROS.
    Immunocompetency against oxidative stress and inflammation


    Selective esterification of fatty acids, organic acids and combinations. Triglycerides/Glycerides of SCFA, MCFA
    Improvement of health, prevention of diseases.
    Prebiotic/Probiotic effects, Carminatives.
    Increased performance and supports sustainability, animal welfare and Environment.
    High quality encapsulation of active ingredients using Spray Dry, Coacervation, double Coating systems
    Phospholipids and Lysophospholipids with specific HLB-values for animal nutrition. Emulsification of oil in Water and Water in oil , improvement of zootechnical performances, efficient absorption of nutrients, high Carcass quality
    Gut Care nourishing and protecting the mucosa from inflammation, oxidative stress and antinutritional factors
    Reduction of seroprevalence in monitoring programs.
    Early shedding and prevention before slaughter
    Sustainable production reducing ammonia emissions through increased efficiency of protein utilization
    EU registered alpha-galactosidase and beta-xylanase enzyme for young layer hens, minor poultry species and ornamental birds.
    It cleaves the anti-nutritional alpha-galactosides stachyose and raffinose from legumes allowing extra amino acids and energy gain .
    It reduces wet droppings, pododermatitis and improves animal welfare

Our products are used as fluid powders and liquid to manufacture dry feeds, wet feeds and premixes, both industrial and homemixed. They are very easy and pleasant to handle. There are also special ranges for farms applications in which they are administered in a very simple way through drinking water. Our products are very pleasant and appetizing for the animals, which increases their comfort and convenience when ingesting food and water.

Monoesterified vegetable fatty acids with organic acids as a solution for the total demedicalization and sanitization of feeds for production animals, aquaculture
and petfood. They help reduce the emission of substances that potentially pollute the environment and water.

Effective combination of potent choleretics and standardized natural cholagogues that stimulate the secretion of bile acids in the intestine and that manage to upgrade the intestinal health, the balance of the microflora, increase the digestibility of nutrients as well as anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation and detoxification.

Monoesterified vegetable fatty acids with organic acids as a solution for the total demedicalization and sanitization of feeds for production animals, aquaculture
and petfood. They help reduce the emission of substances that potentially pollute the environment and water.


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